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- Lost items
If you have lost an item you can report this online at (lost and found) or you can report this to the council, at the 'gevonden en verloren voorwerpen' (lost and found) desk.
- Bron: Breda (Gemeente)
- 2022-11-22
- Request a photo in relation to a fine
Have you received an administrative fine, a fine for a traffic offence, or a parking fine? You can request a photo. You can only request a photo if the offence is in your name. If the offence is not in your name, you cannot request a photo. Within 1 week you will receive a response and the photo (if available).
- Bron: Breda (Gemeente)
- 2023-08-17
- Exemption for driving into the city centre pedestrian zone
To drive into the city centre pedestrian zone outside fixed loading and unloading times you need an exemption. The exemption is linked to the car's number plate and you apply for this in P-loket.
- Bron: Breda (Gemeente)
- 2023-07-26
- Moving to Breda initial settlement burger buiten EU info
- Bron: Breda (Gemeente)
- 2023-10-17
- Items found
If you find something, you can keep hold of it, or hand this in to the council. If you find a passport, ID card or driving licence, you must hand this in to the council.
- Bron: Breda (Gemeente)
- 2022-11-30
- Parkeervergunning evenementen
U kunt een parkeervergunning evenementen aanvragen als u een Woon-werk parkeervergunning heeft. Aanvragen en opzeggen doet u in het P-loket. De vergunning is geldig als het Chasséveld in zijn geheel is afgesloten vanwege een evenement. 1 Parkeervergunning evenementen is geldig voor 1 auto. U parkeert dan in de parkeergarage het Turfschip.
- Bron: Breda (Gemeente)
- 2023-04-19
- Resident parking permit
Residents who live in an area with paid parking can apply for a resident parking permit. You need a parking permit for every car. In P-Loket you can apply for, pay, change and end a permit.
- Bron: Breda (Gemeente)
- 2023-08-21
- Moving to or within Breda
Are you moving to a different address within Breda? Or are you moving from a different area to Breda? Please inform us of your new address no more than 4 weeks before you move house, but no later than 5 days after the day you moved. Anyone aged 16 years or older can inform us of this change of address.
- Bron: Breda (Gemeente)
- 2023-05-26
- Data in the Personal Records Database (BRP)
Your personal data are registered in the personal records database (BRP). If your personal data are wrong, you can ask the council to correct them. Following adoption or gender reassignment, you can ask the council to remove any data from before the adoption or gender reassignment.
- Bron: Breda (Gemeente)
- 2022-11-24
- Uitkering voor oudere werklozen
De IOAW is een uitkering voor werknemers, die na hun 50e jaar werkloos worden.
- Bron: Breda (Gemeente)
- 2022-12-02